Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some Things I Really Like

Joshua James. If you haven't heard of him, I am deeply sorry. Youtube his song Dangerous. It's my favorite. Also, I love him. I am beYOND stoked in this picture. Also, I managed to get him to sign my phone case. Legit.

Oh, and he gave me a vegetable from his own personal garden.
Ya know, just to snack on.

Clearly I selected the, "I only date humans" option.
I mean, a good werewolf is hard to find.

I don't think I really need to explain myself with this one.
I mean, can you say BOSS.
Clearly he is a winner.

And yes, the picture is that large on purpose.

You are quite welcome.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Geology is a boulder of fun!

Things I have in my pantry:
graham crackers
nutty bars
apple cider packets
hot cocoa

I am just really hungry.

Sometimes it cracks me up that I am blogging. I mean, who blogs?? Embarrassing. But I am really bored and waiting for my homie Leeann to get outta class. Then we are going to eat food.
Hopefully. Cause I am freaking hungry.

Also, I LOVE my major. I actually learn something every single time I go to class. And it's all super interesting! I mean, I can't think of any rad factoids to spring on at this exact moment.. but I am sure there are tons.

Also, apparently it will make me super rich, so that's good.
Cause maybe it will tone down my tendencies toward gold-digging.
Don't worry, I already told my bishop about it.
He said he would send any rich fly-sons-of-honeys my way.

Anywhey, my sister just called and told me that, according to science, I am beautiful.
Feel free to spread the word.
SOME PEOPLE seem to need to be notified of these things.

Leeann just got here.
I leave you with these awesome pictures of my tiny sister.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Karly's Back. Back Again. Karly's Back. Tell a Friend.

homies, since I last posted I have returned to further my education in the Burg. I kinda love it.

Oh yeah, also, those are many many origami birds floating above my bed. bwahaha when my new roommate arrives she is going to be so frightened of me.

In the words of my soul twin, Katie,
"Ahhh.. It's good to be back. heh heh"

I mean, it's impossible to not be happy after a day of reunions and craigo's. Craigo's (for the Burg deprived) is a delicious pizza buffet. I know, I know. The words 'delicious' and 'buffet' simply do NOT fit together, usually. In fact, the words 'pizza' and 'buffet' don't really work either.. But this time they really do. I mean, I am STILL fat-doggin and its about 6 hours later.

Let's just say, you better bring your stretchy pants.

Oh, and another thing. Ya know Zookeeper? The movie? Yeah.. Complete fail.

Anywhey, last weekend my entire family got together for the first time since forever, and had a completely classy, super sleek, and exuberantly elegant family bar-B-que. (sorry, I got kinda carried away there.) So, I decided to post this super cute pic of us all.


I'm the really good-looking one.