Saturday, August 27, 2011

So, I Kinda, Sorta, Maybe, Really LOVE Harry Potter


The only thing better would be if it was smothered in nutella...

But let's not get ridiculous.

Here's the thing, I am really quite a fan. I mean, it's almost embarrassing what a big fan I am. But what you have to know is, I am not one of those crazy fans. No, no, no. See, (this next part is gonna be super nerdy, but bear with me) my mother and I recently watched a 'documentary' on 'Harry Potter fans.'

Lunatics is more like it.

There is nothing more frustrating to me than these people claim themselves as 'fans' and they have never touched a book!! I mean, that's like saying, "Oh, yeah! I am OBSESSED with Star Wars! I love it!" and then you have never seen Episodes 4-6!!!! It's just revolting!!!
Okay, deep breath.. rant finished.

I just don't like the thought that HP fandom is represented by weirdos who don't even know who Lee Jordan is!!

But I can tell I am starting to freak you out so I will just wrap up with a few words,

Nitwit!! Oddment!! Blubber!! Tweak!!

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Really Harry Potter "Fan-ness" is more of a way of life.
    In fact, I was just thinking to myself this morning about how much I hate to pack for trips, and how great it would be if I could just use the expandable charm (or whatever it is) that Hermione uses in the 7th book. Then, I could just take my dresser and bathroom with me whenever I go on a trip and I wouldn't have to bother with unpacking either.
